Shoe Drive

Collection Has Ended!


All Done!!

Thank you so much for your donations!  Over $2000 was raised for Aurora House, and 5000 pairs of shoes were donated to developing countries!

200 bags…


What a Shoe Drive does.

Would you ever think that your gently worn, used or new shoes could benefit Aurora House residents and families?  Well they can and here’s how!

Young Entrepreneur

A Shoe Drive is a creative way to help raise money for Aurora House AND help those less fortunate than ourselves, in developing nations like Haiti, India, and Tanzania. (our partner in this endeavor) pays organizations like Aurora House for gently used/new shoes. They then ship the shoes to people in developing countries and teach them to set up micro-enterprises selling the shoes. This possibility can help families mired in poverty to begin climbing out of that hopelessness.   You might say this is the modern day version of “Give a man a fish…” But, substitute “sneaker” for the fish…

Aurora House will be paid based on poundage of shoes, so the more we collect, the better!

Questions?  Please call 585-617-4863 or email